We have been out of the formal schooling loop for several months now. All have been craving a little more structure--none wanted to give in and admit it. So, I had to take the reins and get this horse back on track. We started back to school last week. Many areas went well. Others caused me a little bit of concern, as I mentioned here. This week, it seemed appropriate to work on teaching skills, since we're in that frame of mind. We are working a plan for doing things co-ed as much as possible and leaving any gender-specific activities for more appropriate times. Here's the plan (btw, we school Tues-Sat, due to my husband's work schedule) for our upcoming week:
Day 1: Scripture reading, discussing and copying.I am so sure that I will have exactly three volunteers to help organize activities for my preschooler to do while I homeschool the others. Who doesn't want to be the one to make the rules?????
Day 2: Scripture reading, discussing, copying (working through the list of passages). Perhaps someone different from day 1 can be the helper on that project. Also, my 3rd and 5th grader will begin helping in this area this year by checking each others' math papers. Hopefully, I can explain that along with corrections, they should find something encouraging to share about their sibling.
Day 3: Scripture reading, discussing, copying. This one could be soo fun. I will have the two older ones write up Bible quiz questions to ask the family at mealtimes. They really are trivia buffs. :)
Day 4: Scripture reading, discussing, copying. We will have a few of the children tell Bible stories to the others, using visual aids --they're all pretty creative so I have no doubt this will make for a few Kodak moments.
Day 5: Scripture reading, discussing, copying. We will make our own instructional videos on a skill or job that they do.
And hopefully, somewhere along the way, we can squeeze in the making of an educational cassette tape for another sibling, containing things they are learning and that is appropriate for their age.
Those are my activity choices and my plans for the week!! Can't wait to read what others have done!
We are starting back to school on Monday. Our curriculum is not here yet...its Thursday. Yikes. Well I'll just go through some back files and we can do some review. I'm visiting from the DNG review group. Have a great day.