Monday, July 22, 2013

Camping Fun....and a Few Tips

Our family took our first camping trip 3 years ago.  We tried it out someplace local, mainly so that we would be convenient to home if it didn't work out camping with young children.  As it turned out, we had a fabulous time and went several more times that first year. 

That first year taught us a lot!  You see that rustic looking campfire setup at the top?  Well, don't be deceived...that is precooked bacon yall!!! (okay, as I'm proofing,  I'm guessing that sounded like a famous female chef....but we're from the same area...the accent and tendency to end a sentence that way is Real ;)  )   I just put it on the pan to warm it.   I was not taking chances.  I did, however, perc the coffee in that pic but learned it has to "cook" a lot longer in that setting than the coffeemaker does at home.  So plan for an earlier morning if you want your daily cuppa when you're out on the trail!

This water container was a great investment!   We filled it half full and put it in the big freezer the day before. Then, when we were ready to go, finished filling it.  It worked out very nicely and was more convenient than bottled water.

 This brought back great memories.  Remember these popcorn pans?  They still make 'em!  Try them out over the fire.  It'll be fun!  Especially for the younger ones.

This was one of our "learning curve" ideas.  I'm not sure bringing the doggie was the best idea.  Trying to ride bikes and hike and play doesn't lend itself to keeping a doggie happy and safe in an unfamiliar environment.

Doesn't that look snuggly?  Well, it is...but it doesn't make for a good night's rest.  Because guess what's below most campsite pads?  Nothing.  Maybe rocks! So, we learned to bring an air mattress along.

 Safety...yep.  Shoulda discussed the wildlife issue before we left!  Just remember to check what the local prospects are and address the "what if you come across......." side of things.  Before you leave.
 Most campsites have plenty for little ones to do..usually playing and enjoying nature.  The wildlife. The water..........
 all of His creation is beautiful....and we sure enjoyed exploring!  So much so that this is what the trip home looked like:

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